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Birth Control in My Pop Can?!

June 02, 2016

The title sounds more like a practical joke than a real life situation. This is no joke people, sadly it is a very true reality. In fact every time you crack open a nice cold pop, you may also be taking a daily dose of a chemical that your body thinks is estrogen! This is because most canned goods are coated with bisph...

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Teflon is Toast in Food Packaging!

January 08, 2016

Did you know the FDA published an amendment on the use of three perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in food packaging? PFCs are a family of fluorine-containing chemicals.   The FDA statement reads: ...

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Carrots - Are They the New Antibiotic?

December 08, 2015

Eat a carrot a day and enjoy the prebiotic and antibiotic effect of of this tasty veggie! A peer reviewed study has discovered that an oligosaccharide derived from carrots positively alter the gut's biome and scientists are exploring this component as a new natu...

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BPA Causes Cancer & Curcumin Kills Cancer

December 08, 2015

A 2015 peer reviewed study reveals curcumin, the antioxidant naturally found in turmeric has “protective effects against BPA associated breast cancer promotion.” The study goes on to say that “bisphenol A (BPA),...

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Is There Estrogen in Your Cologne?

December 07, 2015

Scientists are now linking cancer in men’s special spot with exposure to xenoestrogens. Did you know your cologne, deod...

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Did You Know You Have an Acid Mantle?

November 01, 2015

Did you know Zero Xeno products are not only free of hormone disrupting chemicals but were formulated to be in line with my mantra “Less is the New More?” I did this to help your body, your wallet, as well as the environment.   “Less is the New More” is a catchy little saying, ...

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Xenoestrogens & Your Junk!

August 25, 2015

Men today are battling a silent war against their manhood even if they are unaware that it is happening. Our world is filled with a multitude of hormone disrupting chemicals, like the xenoestrogen ...

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Is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Hiding in Your Food?

August 03, 2015

Did you know that sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) might be hiding in your favorite omelet, your tasty unsuspecting marshmallow or your tangy fruit punch?   ...

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Who Am I? I Am ME Part of the Collective WE!

February 21, 2015

Labels Are Not ME!   People are always asking me who I am. They label me, “You are the founder of Zero Xeno, you are an entrepreneur and a business woman.”   ...

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The Junk That Damages The Junk - Phthalates

April 02, 2014

So today's lesson on phthalates was taught to me by the two littlest men in my life, my 9 year old and my 11 year old sons. They went shopping with the biggest man in my life, my husband and bought a new kids DVD that came with a lit...

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